Get to know the Weekend Barn Staff

Taking care of the herd is more than a full-time job. That’s why at Mane Stream the Barn Manager, Alex Willard has a team of people to keep our hard-working herd happy and healthy. Who takes care of the horses on the weekend? In addition to our volunteer coordinator, Emily De Jong, and Camp Activities Specialist, Anna Squindo, we also have Lauri Morris and Caitlin Wilson. Find out who these wonderful women are and why they joined the Mane Stream team.

Lauri Morris

Lauri is busy Mom with 4 kids & a husband who grew up riding her own horses. As a teen, she volunteered at a therapeutic riding facility and started volunteering again in 2021 in Illinois. Lauri has a BA in psychology and also assisted in a therapy program for adults and children with motor disorders. After moving to NJ in 2022, Lauri found Mane Stream and joined the weekend barn staff where she enjoys the solitude and horse time for a few hours each weekend. 

When she’s not at a barn Lauri is working on her Bronze medal in dressage with her OTTB heart horse. And after that, she is usually at a hockey rink watching 2 of her kids play. Laurie also loves to be outdoors as a family; hiking, traveling, and spending time on the lake at her parent’s home in Ontario, Canada when they get the chance. 

Caitlin Wilson

Caitlin is a Rutgers student who has worked everywhere from family farms and small riding operations, to the Rutgers farm and huge show barns. She also spent two summers as an aide at a special needs middle school. She found Mane Stream’s summer program in 2022 and stayed on the team to help on weekends. She rides a few times a week at a family farm, helping the horses stay fit and happy. Caitlin is passionate about equine welfare and child education, so Mane Stream is a perfect fit.