Catching Up with Mary Pat Gallagher

50 People for 50 Years: Mary Pat Gallagher, From volunteer to Board member and everything in between

Sometimes a simple action can provide the best life experiences. Mary Pat Gallagher visited Mane Stream (then Somerset Hills Handicapped Riding Center) in the mid-1990s and left a note asking about how she could help at the farm. That note led to Mary Pat becoming a volunteer, then an instructor, and eventually a Board member. She shares, “Being involved in this program helped me to become a more empathetic, grateful, and involved member of the horse community.”

She remembers in the early years that “There were great trail-clearing parties efficiently run like a British military exercise! I did a lot of that clearing by myself with the tractor and chainsaw.” Other great memories include “fun-filled horse shows for clients and volunteers alike with blue ribbons galore, driving around Hamilton Farms Essex horse trials collecting fence judge’s cards, exercising ad evaluating potential school horses around the Cold Brook preserve, and turning Beval Saddlery into a circus tent for a fundraiser.”

As a Board member, Mary Pat was involved with the planning process for the new facility and helped the property transform into the Mane Stream of today. Fellow Board member and friend, Jill Thomas, reflects, “Mary Pat never ran when she saw me coming, fully knowing I was again asking for her help doing a not-so-fun job like distributing tickets throughout NJ for the Far Hills Breeders Cup Steeplechase. She brought a sense of humor when it was needed.”

Mary Pat moved from the area years ago but enjoys keeping up with Mane Stream on social media. “The friendships and relationships were the most rewarding aspects besides watching the beauty of the horses performing their magical therapy!” Mary Pat shared “I felt there was always an adventure waiting [at Mane Stream]!”

Thank you Mary Pat for being an important part of our history!